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BOM Query - Bill of Material Basic Table Query


lcBompnt = "_14C0LEUMM"  && make this any parent uniq key
SELECT I1.part_no as assyno, I1.descript as assydes, bom_det.item_no, I2.part_no as compno, I2.descript as compdes,;

 FROM inventor as I1, inventor as I2, bom_det, invtmfhd, invtmfgr;
 WHERE I1.uniq_key = lcBompnt;
  AND I2.uniq_key = bom_det.uniq_key;
  AND bom_det.bomparent = lcBompnt;
  AND invtmfhd.uniq_key = I2.uniq_key;
  AND invtmfhd.uniqmfgrhd = invtmfgr.uniqmfgrhd;
 ORDER BY item_no, partmfgr;
Article ID: 3161