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Fields & Definitions - PO Mgmt


Sup Name The supplier or vendor with whom the order was placed.
Sup Status The status of the Supplier, whether Approved, Inactive, etc.
PO  Number
The Purchase Order number of the order.  If PO Numbering is set to Auto (in Number System Setup ) the system automatically places a "T" in the PO number to flag it as a temporary number.  Then upon approval the system auto finds and replaces that "T" with a "0".    Note:  If PO Numbering is set to manual, users enters a PO number manually using a "T", then changes the numbering to Auto, if this PO is edited and approved the "T" will be changed to "0".  The system has no way of knowing that the PO was manual numbered before the change.

The Change Order revision status of the order. This field can be automatically increased upon approval or controlled by the user and is only changed if the user manually assigns a Change Order number. (This is setup in the Purchase Order Setup module). Change Order History is tracked under the View Changes History screen automatically.  NOTE:  If auto assign the next change order will be referenced in the change history but the PO change order will not increase until PO has been approved. If not auto assigned the change order will be referenced to what ever change order user enters. 

Po Date The date the purchase order was created.
Freight Included If this box is checked, the vendor has agreed to pay the freight.  "Freight Included" will be added to the print out of the PO form and will be displayed in PO Reconciliation module for reference.  If this box is not checked "Freight Not Included" will be displayed on PO Reconciliation module.
Conf Name The contact at the supplier who confirmed the purchase order.
Buyer The initials of the buyer for the order.
PO Status The status of the purchase order. Indicates if the order is new, being edited, is open, closed or cancelled.
PO Priority The status of the purchase order.Indicate if the order is standard, priority, or hot.
Approval When the purchase order is approved, the "T" in the Purchase Order number will be replaced with a "0" and the initials of the person who approved the order will be displayed.  (Note:  The PO must be approved before being able to create a PO Dock receiver).
Final Approval When two approvals are required, and both are granted, the initials of the second person approving the purchase order will be displayed in this field.
UDF (User Define Field) has been added for future use and is not functional at this time.
Supplier Ack Load supplier acknowledgement documents received from supplier.

Purchase Order Items

Item The purchase order item number of an item being purchased.
Part Number The part number of the item being purchased.
Rev The revision of the part number being purchased.
Description The Description of the part number.
Order Qty The quantity of parts being ordered.   See Article #1240 for more detail on why the system will not allow user to enter in a fraction of a number, and an alternative.
Balance The un-received balance of the item.
Price The agreed upon price for the items being ordered.
Extension The extension of the price and quantity.
Tax Indicates whether or not the item is taxable.

This will allow user to cancel an individual item on a PO.  Since the system does not allow you to delete a line item that has had any kind of transaction, we needed a way for users to cancel individual line items without having to cancel the entire order within the system.  If any parts have been accepted, it cannot be cancelled. Once a part has any receipts the user cannot delete the line, so if they reject the total received qty they can cancel the line to prevent it from affecting the PO, or PO history for the other line items.  If they do not want to reject the entire qty then their only option is to reduce the balance qty to the accepted qty.  Cancelled line items will be excluded from the Purchase Order reports within the module.

Total Purchases The total amount of all items on the purchase order (excluding taxes).
Total Tax The total tax amount of all items on the purchase order.










Detail Definitions

Item # The purchase order item number of an item being viewed.
Item Type The type of inventory being purchased (Inventory, MRO, or Services)  Inventory is for a part that exists in the ICM module.  MRO stands for Management Required Options.  Generally this is used for supplies, purchases.  Services items are for those instances where the assembly is outsourced.

Part Number

The internal part number of the item being purchased.


The revision of the part number.


The packaging method used to package the parts.

Material Type The material type (per AVL level) will be displayed in Red once user selects the mfgr and mfrg PN.  
Firm Plan

If this box is checked, the MRP module will NOT try to override the purchasing decision.  For example: If the need is for 100 parts per month for the next six months.  But the user makes a decision to block order 600 parts and marks the PO as Firm Planned.   Without any Firm Plan command, the MRP module would instruct the user to cancel the PO for 600 quantity and re-issue for 6 separate purchases of 100 each.  But since the PO is marked as Firm Planned  this tells MRP that the purchasing decision was intentional and NOT to override.  So MRP will work around this PO

First Article

If this box is checked, this part requires a first article inspection and the users will be required to check off the First Article Done box within PO receiving  (This information is usually defaulted from the ICM module, but can be edited within the PO module also).

Allow Partial Schedule

This will default in from the Purchase Order Setup module, but user can change it any time while in the PO module.   If un-checked user will receive the popup warning them that they have not scheduled all the order qty and ask if they want to finish scheduling the order qty,  upon saving a PO with only a partial schedule.  If the box is checked the system will not ask any questions when saving a po with only partial schedule.   (Note:  MRP will NOT acknowledge qty's that are not scheduled).


If this box is checked, the user will be required to enter serial numbers at time of Purchase Order Receipt and Inspection.  (This information is defaulted from the ICM module).

Part Class

The Part Class of the part number.

Part Type

The Part Type of the part number.


The Description of the part type.


The percentage of parts allowed to be received over the ordered quantity.


The manufacturer for the part.

Manufacturer Part Number

The commercial part number.

Supplier Part No.

If the Mfgr AVL has a Supplier and Supplier PN associated within the ICM module, the Supplier PN will be displayed in this field as additional reference.

Purchase Lead Time

The time between the Supplier receipt of the PO and receipt at the users dock.

Insp Exception

Checking this box will allow the receiver to receive the parts for this Purchase Order Only without inspection. Upon checking this box the Insp Exception Note Field and the Insp Excep Doc will become available for use and then user must then select an Insp Exception Type from the pull down screen.  User MUST have special rights within the Security module or supervisor rights to edit this field.

The Insp Exception box MUST be checked for this field to become available.  This information will then be displayed within the PO Receiving as reference information to the users that are processing the Receipts through the system.

The Insp Exception box MUST be checked for this field to become available.  This will allow users to attached documents. This information will then be displayed within the PO Receiving as reference information to the users that are processing the Receipts through the system.

Min/Multi Order

The Min/Multi order quantities are defaulted in from the Inventory Control module (MRP Info tab) to display the minimum quantity that must be ordered for this part and the increments this part must be purchased in. (If this information is edited within the Purchase Order Module, it will be updated to the ICM module upon saving). For Example: if the Min order qty is 500 and the order multi is 100 and the order is for 515, then the order will need to be rounded up to 600. 

Purchase Order Qty

The quantity of parts being ordered based on the purchasing units of measure.


The Purchased unit of measure. (May be different than stocking unit of measure).


The agreed upon unit price for the items being ordered.

Extended Amt

The extension of the price and quantity.

Standard Cost/Stock UOM

This field displays the Standard MATERIAL Cost. (This is defaulted in from the ICM module, if no standard material cost is found in the ICM module the user will be allowed to enter in a standard material cost at the time of purchase).   For a BUY part, this is the value against which PPV should be calculated, and the value the user should expect to pay for the part.

Stock/Order Qty

The quantity of parts ordered based on the stocking unit of measure.

Stock UOM

The stocking unit of measure.

Stock Price/UOM

The stocking price. 


Indicates whether or not the item is taxable.

Target Price

The target price is a reference for the buyers to use. (This information is defaulted from the ICM module).
































Directive Buttons

The following buttons are displayed on the Purchase Order screen.

After a purchase order is created or edited, it must be approved before it can be printed and issued to a supplier. Certain employees may be granted authority to approve purchases up to a certain total dollar value. Those authorized personnel may approve purchase orders under that amount. If only one signature is required, the order will be finalized and released. If it is a new order, and automatic PO numbering is enabled, Manex will assign the next available number to the order. The action is taken by clicking on the Approval button and responding with an authorized password.

If two signatures are required in order to release a purchase order, then a second person with approval authority for the amount of the order must approve the order, by clicking on the Final Approval button and responding with an authorized password.

  If this button is displayed in Red related documents have been attached to this item in the ICM module and may be viewed by depressing the "View Inventory Item Related Documentation" button.  For further detail see Article #2396. 
  Depressing this button will display the note for that part per the Item Master (It will be shown in red as displayed)  This button will only be editable if that user has "Edit" rights for the Inventory Control Module.
  Depressing the button will bring up a screen where the user can enter a special note pertaining to the particular line item. Depress the Edit button. Type in the note. Depress the Save button. Exit.

Depressing the button will bring up a screen where the user can enter special notes pertaining to the entire PO. Depress the Edit button. Type in the note. Depress the Save button. Exit.

  If this button is displayed in Red, user will be able to view the inspection notes that have been recorded within the PO Receiving module.  These notes will also be displayed in all of the PO Detail reports (except detail by due date report).  

Depressing the button will bring up a screen where the user can enter additional PO foot notes pertaining to the entire PO. (This will not replace the standard foot notes defaulted from the system set-up.) Depress the Edit button. Type in the note. Depress the Save button. Exit.

  Depressing this button will open up address information regarding the supplier.
Depressing this button will bring up a screen listing note templates from System Setup and you may select the desired template(s) you would like added at the Item level.  Any Note Templates added will be listed as an attachment to the normal PO and this button will be displayed in RED.  By design this button is ONLY editable in the view mode (See Article #3432 for further detail).   If user trys to use this button in the add or edit mode the system will display one of the following warnings.

Depressing this button will bring up a screen listing note templates from System Setup and you may select the desired template(s) you would like added at the PO level.  Any Note Templates added will be listed as an attachment to the normal PO and this button will be displayed in REDBy design this button is ONLY editable in the view mode (See Article #3432 for further detail).  If user trys to use this button in the add or edit mode the system will display one of the following warnings.
  Depressing this button will display the complete history of all changes made to this order, if an approval is required for the change, with the exception of checking or unchecking the Freight Included box.  It will list the CO # (if applicable), Date/Time of Change, By User, PO Total at time of change, and List of Changes recorded.  NOTE:  The system will record the fact that notes have been changed (PO Note, POItem Note, PO Foot Notes)(only if an approval is required which is setup in the Purchase Setup module), but will NOT record the differences between them.  This will be the users responsibility to record and track the modifications within the note fields.  
Load supplier acknowledgement documents received from supplier.  See Article #5137 for further information on How to Load a Document.


Confirm/Remit Screen Field Definitions

Supplier The supplier or vendor with whom the order was placed.
PO Number The Purchase Order number of the order. New purchase orders that have not been approved will display a temporary number until approved.
Fax, eMail, Mail How to communicate with the supplier.


Confirm To The name of the supplier.

Address, City, State, Postal Code, Country

The address of the supplier to which the order is sent.
Phone, Fax How to communicate with the supplier.
E-Mail Email address enter within the Supplier Setup module.


Remit To The name of the supplier or their agent.
Address, City, State, Postal Code, Country The address of the supplier to which the payment is sent.
 Phone, Fax How to communicate with the supplier accounting department.
 E-Mail Email address enter within the Supplier Setup module.

When the user has displayed a purchase order with items on the Purchase Order screen, pressing on the Receiving button will display information about where the supplier is to ship the material on the purchase order, and the terms and conditions of the order.

Receiving Screen Field Definitions

Supplier The supplier or vendor with whom the order was placed.
PO Number The Purchase Order number of the order. New purchase orders that have not been approved will display a temporary number until approved.
Receiving Location The company and address to which the order is to be shipped.
Terms The terms of the purchase order.
FOB The FOB point for the order.
Ship via The preferred shipping carrier for the order.
Ship Charge How the freight costs are to be paid.
Account Number If needed, the freight company account number for the carrier to charge.
Ship Chg Amt The shipping charge cost for the order.  This is referenced on Purchase Order Forms Only.  These amounts wIll not be carried over to the PO Reconcilliation.
Taxable Indicates if the freight charges are taxable.  This is referenced on Purchase Order Forms Only.  These amounts wIll not be carried over to the PO Reconcilliation.
Tax % The tax rate for the shipping charges.  This is referenced on Purchase Order Forms Only.  These amounts wIll not be carried over to the PO Reconcilliation.
Delivery Time The preferred delivery time for receipts.
Attention The name of the person to whom the shipment is directed.


When the user has displayed a purchase order with items on the Purchase Order screen, pressing on the Send Invoice To button will display the billing information for the supplier. This button is displayed on the Purchase Order Receiving Information screen.

Send Invoice To Screen Field Definitions

Supplier The supplier or vendor with whom the order was placed.
PO Number The Purchase Order number of the order. New purchase orders that have not been approved will display a temporary number until approved.
Remittance Location The users company and address to which the order is to be billed.

Depressing the Purchase History button will display the purchase history for that line item. The user may sort by Date, Supplier, PO Number, Mfgr. or Price by depressing the appropriate button. Note: If an order has status “EDITING” it will not be displayed on the history list. Once the order is approved and the status is changed to "Open" or "Closed" the order will then be displayed on the purchase history list.

When the user has displayed a purchase order with items on the Purchase Order screen, and has highlighted one of the line items, checking the Expand box will display the schedule information about the item being purchased.

When the user has finished viewing the schedule information about the item, the user may check the Shrink box and the scheduleinformation will shrink down.


Schedule Field Definitions

Schd Date The date the material is due to land on the users dock.  This is the date MRP uses.
Req Date This is the internally required or desired date.  It is not used for the supplier or MRP.
Commit Date The commit date is a reference field for the buyer.
Qty Schd The quantity scheduled for the due date. 

This will display the balance left to receive from the Qty scheduled.

Warehouse The User can choose the Warehouse from the pulldown or leave it blank.  The Y next to the Warehouse location indicates that, that Warehouse is set-up in the AVL.  The N next to the Warehouse location indicates that, that Warehouse is not set-up in the AVL.  If the warehouse field is left blank then the warehouse can then be assigned at PO Receiving Management.  Once the record has been saved within the PO Receiving this information will then be updated within the Inventory Control Management under the Qty info screen.
Location The Location field will update automatically from the Inventory Control Management module. The user can edit this field in the scheduling detail.  This will not change the location in the Inventory Control Management module under the quantity info screen.
Distribute To This is classification of the distribution of the item when received, either to regular Inventory Receiving or to Allocate to Special Work Order or Project

This Field is for future use, it is non-applicable at this time.

GL Number The General Ledger number where the purchase order will post.
Schd Notes Depressing on the       button will bring up a screen where the user can enter in specific notes that pertain to that one schedule, item, and date. Type in the note. Depress the Save button. Exit

When Creating a new PO or Editing an existing PO this button will be enable. Depressing this button will allow the user to add additional scheduled deliveries.

When Creating a new PO or Editing a existing PO this button will be enabled. Highlight a scheduled delivery then depressing this button will delete that delivery from this screen

Total Scheduled

This field will display the total qty scheduled for the highlighted item.

Balance Scheduled This field will display the Balance left to receive from the qty scheduled for the highlighted item.
Un-scheduled Qty

This field will display the qty un-scheduled for the highlighted item.

Article ID: 313