Q. When user selects to Print to PDF how are the Files Named?
A. Manex has standard routine to name any PDF output, disregarding of the nature of the report, with the combination of the title of the report plus date/time for example if a printed a purchase order on January 15th, 2008 at military time of 15:38 the pdf name would be "purchase order form-20080115-15-38.pdf". If a batch of PO's, Invoice's, Packing List's, Credit Memo's, Debit Memo's, and DMR's are printed to a PDF output, the file name would be a combination of the title of the report plus date/time followed by a count number for example if 3 PO's are printed in the same batch and they all were printed at miliatry time of 15:03 the file name will be "purchase order form-20080115-15-03.pdf".