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Setup the GL Post Defaults
Enter the Actsetup.exe/G.Ledger/G/L Post Defaults

The following screen will appear:

The user may modify this data by use of the Edit button.  At the conclusion of any EDIT activity, the user must depress the Save  button to save the changes or depress the Abandon changes ubtton to abandon the changes.

If posting to Prior Fiscal Years, Prior Periods or Future periods is set to NO, then no types of transactions can be set to Immediate Release/Immeditate Posting.  If any types of transactions are set to Immediate Release/Immediate Posting, then no restrictions can be placed on posting to Prior Fiscal Years, Prior Periods or Future periods.
If users change the Posting Defaults they will receive a warning that they should make sure that ALL records have been released and posted before changing the posting default.  ManEx strongly suggests NOT changing the Posting Defaults once they have been setup.  NOTE:  Changing the Posting Defaults could result in loss of records.

Note:  That the Retained Earnings and Posting Suspense Posting accounts defined above must have the class of posting as determined in General Ledger Account Setup. The Current Earnings must be the YTD Net Income account from the Balance Sheet Equity section and must have the class of Closing.

Where Used:  This Setup is required to be completed prior to posting accounting activity.  ManEx strongly suggests not changing the Posting Defaults once they have been setup.  Changing the Posting Defaults could result in loss of records.

After completing this section:                             «Mark as Completed in RoadMap in Section C Item 2-e»

Article ID: 2596