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Change Parameters for the Part/Class
After activation, System Utility access for each user must be setup in the ManEx Security module.  Users with “supervisor’s rights” will automatically have access.

Enter System Utility/Inventory Maintenance by Part Class & Type/Change Parameters for the Part/Class 

The following screen will appear:
Depress the Edit action button, Select the Part Class and Type you want changes to affect.  (Note:  If you want the changes to affect all part types within the Part Class Check the "Change Parameters for Selected Class - Disregarding Part Type" box) 
Enter the changes, the boxes next to the fields being changed must be checked also for the changes to be implemented.  If this box is NOT checked the change will NOT be implemented.
Depress the Save changes action button to incorporate changes to part class and type, or depress the Abandon changes action button to abandon changes. 
Article ID: 1575