If a user tries to enter in a fraction of a number for a part that is setup with a UOM of EACH or EA, they will receive the following warning:
EACH or EA in the system is considered a whole number and you will not be allowed to enter in a fraction of a number for those UOMs. The reason is you can NOT actually have a Fraction of whole number. If you need to have a fraction of a number on the bom, etc. . . we recommend that you use a UOM other than EACH or EA then the system will allow you to enter in the Fraction.
The maximum number of decimals in the BOM quantity is 2, allowing for 1/100th of an item. The reason is so the system operates properly (mainly the MRP and Kitting). If we allowed a fraction of a number to be used the order or kitting quantities may be incorrect for the customers that use the MRP and Kitting modules. If users need a finer resolution, you may want to consider using a different UoM than EACH, and buy in one unit and use a fractional unit for inventory (e.g. Purchase in Gallons, and Stock/Issue in ounces). The system will allow you to create other categories in the UOM to correct this problem. With this fix, both the MRP and Kitting works correctly.